+86 755-29577311 bisheng@ekonglong.com
YiKongLong Furniture (HK) Co., Limited
Office furniture marble renovation

Marble office furniture is easy to stain, cleaning, can use a small amount of water, on a regular basis with mild detergent with a slightly damp cloth to wipe, then wipe dry with a clean soft cloth and polished.
Office furniture handle hard wear serious marble, velvet nap of usable steel wire is wiped, use next dynamoelectric burnish machine burnish, make it restores luster.Or use a liquid abrasive cleaner is wiped, carefully use lemon juice or vinegar to clean a stain, but lemon stay in marbleTime office furniture had better not exceed 2 minutes, can duplicate an operation when necessary, and then clean and dry.
To slight abrade, usable and special marble cleaner and nurse agent office furniture.For old or precious marble office furniture should ask professional maintenance personnel for processing.


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